Monday, February 28, 2005

Flippin' Sweet...But..

This weekend I saw Napoleon Dynamite. I wanted to see this movie for so long..But I fell from cloud #9..Maybe I should'nt have watch it at all and stay with the trailer, that I laugh so hard at, in mind..
Napoleon Dynamite, is a so-called "indie" film, who resembles more an amateur hour at the Improv than a quality independent filmmaking. The movie is very loosely tied together. They are moments, in the movie, that you can't stop yourself from laughing at. But does it really worth 86 minutes of people rambeling on about how pathetic they are. Some may consider Napoleon Dynamite to be a cult classic, don't get me wrong the characters are insanly funny but it's really just boring studied stupidity.

I like it small

As some of you know, I'm a MACniac..I never touched a PC (well in some rare occasions to check on my e-mails, maybe) It's waaay to complicated for nothing!. I'm a graphic designer, and never worked from my house since I'm not freelance..I have a G3 (that i'm still paying, thanks to my student loan!!)..
So, it's time for me to finally update, in 2 months i'll buy myself a MAC mini Yaa..That means that I'll finally be able to upgrade to a Mac OS X systeme and Finally get myself an IPOD mini. Life's so good sometimes, when you can afford it...Ohh and to whom it may interest, I like it small ;)

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Geek Tragedy

If you have, like me, 20 minutes to loose take the GEEK TEST! I scored more cause i'm a girl and I think Mulder and Scully played a major role in my geekness over the years...
let me know your scores..fellow geeks!

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Spreading bugs

Welcome to a good friend of mine who
just descided to start his on blog...
Warm round of aplause for Mr. Maxime!....Yaaa

Friday, February 25, 2005

My «Beekeeper» Review

Released with Tori Amos: Piece by Piece, a memoir piece co-written with music journalist Ann Powers, Tori Amos' eight studio album, The beekeper, is also an autobiographical album with songs that evolves in a chronical emotional journey through metaphorical gardens of love, life and death, all tinted by the beekeeper protagonist.

After a second listening, I can say that this is a bright gleaming album that retains its sunny disposition even when the tempos grow slow and the melodies turn moody.
Slightly newsworthy is 'The Power of Orange Knickers' a frilly duet with a barely there Damien Rice.

The Beekeepper is without a doubt her more mature and studied CD to date, perhaps a shade too classy but it's an ambitious, restless work that builds on her past work...GO buy it, it's worth it if you're a fan.. ;)

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Let's get Physical...

I'll go get my wrist and head band!
How do I sart?
Should I start?
Someone told me «Don't be like a Newbie, be yourself!»
Well, News flash!!.. I am one!
For the past year I had the privilege of exploring the indie-rock mtl scene I experienced new sounds, new feelings, met new people, and from that moment and on had a completly new life. I would like to thank him for that.I like to think that people that we meet in our life are there for a good reason.

OK!, that said!..let's get physical!
Under the Snow Festival's first edition will be held from March 3rd to March 6th at Casa del Popolo and at Sala Rossa.You can see the listing in the Upcoming Shows section. DON'T MISS [Nara] on the 5th at the Casa..They are amazing!!(shameless plug!) ;)

I'll be back soon..I'll drop by the CD store tonight and get my hands on the the New Tori CD...i'll give you my 50cents on it...