Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I didn't know snow storms could involve thunder. I was waiting for jake gyllenhaal to come and save me, thought the end of the world was coming. Maybe next week. I should go shave my legs and be ready.

In Other words, Facebook as truth.
Overheard on the Metro:

Guy: I don't want to go to a club, I want to go to a pub
Girl: I want to go to a club, I want to go dancing.
Girl: I love dancing
Guy: unsure look
Girl: It's IN my facebook profile!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Human Tetris

Pretty cool! Goddamn you Japanese people!

Friday, December 14, 2007


Here's the five minutes of Cloverfield.. How Orgasmic is that?!?!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

X-Files 2 begins filming!

The first picture from X-Files 2 has been released so let's begin the countdown to July 25th the day the movie comes out! Seriously I am so excited to see Mulder and Scully together again, it seems like forever since they have "been" together.

BTW Amanda Peet (I can live with that) joined the cast along with Xzibit (?!?!) and Billy Connolly (HELL YEAH!) last week.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Teardrop on the fire of a confession

Jose Gonzalez does a hypnotic version of Massive Attack’s Teardrop on his new album. I highly suggest listening to it on repeat for the next several hours.

Saturday, December 08, 2007


Latest painting.. I started this one a while back.. I finally finished it, just in time for my friend's b-day tonight.
Last minute much?!

Sunday, December 02, 2007

15 Questions…

Look who'se back. I took a little break from blogging for lack of exciting things happening in my life. Not that there's so much going on with me these days, but I got tagged by Dave to answer 15 questions.

1-Grab the closest book to you, go to page 18 and write down the 4th line :
And therefore the Romans, that had conquered the greatest part of the then known world

2- Whats the last thing you saw on TV
Thank you for smoking

3- Other than the sound of your computer, what else can you hear?
Music, on shuffle.

4- Last time you went out, what did you do?
Ate too much sushi and drank too much wine... but eh, what is too much nowadays?

5- What are you wearing?
it 3:21, sunday afternoon, still in my PJs. Hoody and boy'ish boxers.

6- Whats on the walls in the room you are in?
Artwork, that I still have to finish for next week.

7- What’s strange about today?
I can't hear my neighboors. :|
Strange, maybe I should stop channelling Dexter.

8- Whats the last Movie you saw?
Thank you for smoking

9- Tell us something we don’t know:
Should I take under consideration that you know nothing?

10- Do you like dancing?

11- If you had a daughter, what would her name be?
I don't want kids but if a stranger let me name their daugher.. trinity, Niobe, Dawn

12- If you had a son, what would her name be?
"..." Xander

13- Ever thought of living abroad?
every monday morning

14- What would you like GOD to tell you when you crossed the pearly gates?
God? I don't know about him but I would like someone to tell me that it's a good thing that I didn't believe in God or other high power because there's nothing after death.

15- Mouhahaha, there is not question 15, mouhahaha!
AH funny.