Thursday, August 14, 2008


I am at work and I am now beginning the 12th hour of my so called "shift" (doesn't beat yesterday, 16 hours). My co-worker seems to slowly loose her mind. I don't know if it is exhaustion or the wine we have been drinking but she's driving me NUTS!! Thank God I'm on vacation in a few days. But the truth about this post is that she wants to have a platform to write some kind of weird comment about me that has come to her through a BNL song. So there you go Clo.
knock yourself out.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Note to Self

Next time you're making Caramel, please don't stick your finger into the pan.
The worst part is that my caramel burned.
The top of my finger is one big blister, and I retrieved my finger so fast out of the hot sticky mess that it ricoched on the side, double ouch.