Sunday, December 02, 2007

15 Questions…

Look who'se back. I took a little break from blogging for lack of exciting things happening in my life. Not that there's so much going on with me these days, but I got tagged by Dave to answer 15 questions.

1-Grab the closest book to you, go to page 18 and write down the 4th line :
And therefore the Romans, that had conquered the greatest part of the then known world

2- Whats the last thing you saw on TV
Thank you for smoking

3- Other than the sound of your computer, what else can you hear?
Music, on shuffle.

4- Last time you went out, what did you do?
Ate too much sushi and drank too much wine... but eh, what is too much nowadays?

5- What are you wearing?
it 3:21, sunday afternoon, still in my PJs. Hoody and boy'ish boxers.

6- Whats on the walls in the room you are in?
Artwork, that I still have to finish for next week.

7- What’s strange about today?
I can't hear my neighboors. :|
Strange, maybe I should stop channelling Dexter.

8- Whats the last Movie you saw?
Thank you for smoking

9- Tell us something we don’t know:
Should I take under consideration that you know nothing?

10- Do you like dancing?

11- If you had a daughter, what would her name be?
I don't want kids but if a stranger let me name their daugher.. trinity, Niobe, Dawn

12- If you had a son, what would her name be?
"..." Xander

13- Ever thought of living abroad?
every monday morning

14- What would you like GOD to tell you when you crossed the pearly gates?
God? I don't know about him but I would like someone to tell me that it's a good thing that I didn't believe in God or other high power because there's nothing after death.

15- Mouhahaha, there is not question 15, mouhahaha!
AH funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew you could do it

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good to read you again! :)

2:56 PM  

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