Thursday, March 01, 2007

The strange questionnaire! Meme

I've been tagged by Christelle

Si j’étais un animal écrasé sur la route, je serais…
First of all I would be no more but I would have been a huge animal that does major impact so you'll remember me for the rest of you life.

Mon objet sexuel préféré
Only one?

Mon dictateur préféré
I don't like Dictators, unless they are fair and take under considaration other people. People who dictate are usualy people i'm not fond of.

Ma déformation physique préféré
On me? none. On others Geee, I don't know.

Si je devais brûler la voiture de quelqu’un n’importe où dans le monde, ça serait celle de….
it's really a strange questionnaire, why would I want to set f.. Oh if you insist.. Bush and Ted Haggar, let's just hope they get in the same car one day. I'll be watching.

Si je devais exécuter un Bisounours, ce serait…
Bears that have rainbows coming out of them scares me.


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