Thursday, January 04, 2007

And it's a Wrap.

Clever Idea over at 1000 & 1 PETITS RIENS.
Here's a wrap up of the year 2006. My year in few lines.

My dog of 12 years died, it was actually my gift for christmas'05. Merry Xmas to me. Well, she was really sick they had to put her down.. but December 23rd!? I never had a chance to say goodbye.

My sister of 4 years younger enters a psychiatric ward. It affected me more than I wanted people to know, I'm not good at showing my emotions. She thought my mother was the Devil and tried to kill her, and saw my father as a penguin, go figure. They kept her 3 weeks and she's now on meds.

Happy birthday to me!
To make a long story short, all trought 2004, I went out with a really great guy, we had the same taste in everything, till this day I really think he's my soulmate. Anyway, at the end of 2004 we decided to call it quit and remain friends.. Humm, yeah, you know what kind of "friendship" i'm talking about. We agreed that if either of us found somebody else we would go on our seperate ways. I tried to tell myself that I was OK with that, I really fooled myself on that one didn't I?. This went on for a year. At the end of the month he tells me that we should end our "friendship"..
That brings me to April.

I don't really remember much of that month. Except that after being laid off by my "best"friend I went throught a though time. When you spent 2 years with someone, night and day, seeing each other more than you should, it's hard going back to a single life. The hardest part is that I lost a good friend, I miss his friendship more than anything. Oh, do I need to mention that we don't see eachother anymore? we exchange e-mails once in while, saw eachother once or twice I think. I don't even think his new GF knows about me. Anyway, I wish him all the happiness in the world, cause he's a great guy.

One month went by, i'm feeling better. Started to talk with this interesting guy that I meet through my blog. Life's making me smile again, and this guy's giving me butterflies. I'm not the kind of girl who falls easily, I know better, maybe I just need to change my mind from the month of April.. I believe in Cindy Lauper, cause really I just want to have fun.

The guy invited me to have a coffee at his place. We had a great evening (the coffee was Awfull!!!). Remember "this girl just want to have fun" and we did, but he wants more, or "less" of me, he's looking for someone else, and I totally understand, but the way he told me was a little, for the lack of better words, dickish (that's my new word of the month). Note to self: Never date a guy who drinks black coffee.

Started to paint again.
End of July stopped painting. (my new resolution for 2007 is to start again)

August, September, October, November
Having fun with friends: check
Work: Ohh Check
Love life: Boooring, I like it this way, Boring is better than complicated.
Gym: getting by.

The end of the year is near, we don't have snow and it's fucking scaring me. The polar bears may become extinct within the century, fuckin global warming. The planet is sick and nobody seems to care. Oh and Xmas, the family who can't get along for more that 1 hour, actually 48minutes and 15 seconds.

All is good in the end, everything happens for a reason, everybody happens for a reason, but let's start over shall we?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did something similar last year... A review month by month.. But this year I didn't have the heart to do it. It's nice reading yours though!

March-April: Similar thing happened to me September-October-November-December. Just starting to feel better. But I miss his friendship!! Like you with your ex. It really sucks.

July: Paint! It's an awesome hobby. I love it as well. If only I had a dedicated space to call my artist studio I'd paint more. But everytime I have to take the stuff out of a box from under by bed, set up, put it away, etc. Too much work! :P

5:20 PM  
Blogger SHAN said...

Breaking up sucks but the hardest thing after is to get over the feeling of loneliness.
I don't have a place to paint either, well I have an extra room but I really enjoy painting in front of my TV, I don't know why. So I take out my stuff everytime also :(

12:38 AM  
Blogger SHAN said...

No, i'm afraid it's not me ;)
i'm a graphic designer by day and a blogger by night ..haha.
Yeah I came across your blog through Dave's, very good by the way ;)

Take care ;)

5:05 PM  

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