Thursday, December 28, 2006

Top 10 - Albums of 2006

Alright I'm posting the list before I change my mind. I Did 3 lists and I can't seem to make up my mind.
So here it is:

10. Born Ruffians - Self Title EP.
9. Malajube - Trompe l'oeil.
8. Ellen Allien & Apparat - Orchestra of Bubbles.
7. Peter and the Wolf - Lightness.
6. Camera Obscura - Let's go out of this Country.
5. Emily Haines - Knives Don't Have Your Back.
4. Sunset Rubdown - Shut up I am Dreaming.
3. TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain.
2. Cat Power - The Greatest.
1. Sufjan Stevens - The Avalanche.

Here's the albums that were on my Top 10 at one point.
Bonnie "Prince" Billy - The Letting Go.
Califone - Roots and Crowns.
Islands - Return To The Sea.
Henri Fabergé and the Adorables - Henri Fabergé and the Adorables.

And to finish it off, Here's the song that keeps me going for the past month:
BornRuffians - ThisSentenceWillRuinSaveYourLife

Thanks to I (heart) music for the MP3 hosting.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've never heard of ANY of these artists LOL :D

I'm getting old

2:15 AM  

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