Thursday, October 05, 2006


I swear, someone, or something out there doesn't want me to set foot across the Canadian border.
For 3 years now i've been wanting to go to NY, I've been planning but something always came up.

Here's the latest.
I've been planning this trip for over a month (apparently there's a lot of people going to NY on labour day weekend), I finally found and booked an hotel room, for the 4 of us.
Wednesday, 3 days before departure, a friend had to cancel due to death in her familly, I understand, there's nothing she can do about that. So we re-re-do the budget to see if we can afford to go with one less player.. Humm it's gonna be tight on my part, but ok, let go anyway.
Thursday 9:30pm, 31hours before departure. The phone rings, J. one of the 3 travelers (including me) remaining (well, she counts for 2 actually cause the other player's her daugther)
Me: "Hey how is it going?"
Her: "Not so good"
Me "What?! what happened?"
Her: "I just got robbed, the house is a total mess, and they took the money I had saved to go on our Trip, So I'm afraid my daughter and I can't go"
Me: ":|" *This is my dumb/surprised/desappointed/agitated face.
Her: Hello?!
Me: ":|"

I'm telling you, it's a conspiracy. I blame death, life, robbers and the United States.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the Verse is trying to tell you something!

9:16 AM  

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