Monday, August 21, 2006

Don't think you are, know you are...
Reptilian humanoid?!

As some of you may already know, i'm a freak when it comes to Sci-Fi subjects and Alien theories.
But this weekend I came across a documentary explaining David Icke's theory. He claimes that many prominent figures such as George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II and even the actor Kris Kristofferson are part of a race of reptilian humanoids known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, and that they are in fact, reptilian. I never heard of Icke's allegations before, which is weird cause I have this (ok call it weird) passion for everything that is Paranormal, plus he's the author of 20 books explaining his views. The world, as Icke's sees it, is controlled by a network of secret societies, the Brotherhood, on which stand at the higher level the Global Elite. The goal of these Alien reptiles is a global nomination of all fields such as banking, business, the military, education, the media, religion, drug companies, intelligence agencies, and organized crime...A pyramid of manipulation. It sounds strangely like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" a text publied in late 1880 (If I recall correctly) to describe a plan to achieve global domination by Jews. In his published work Icke cites the Holocaust, Oklahoma City bombing, and the September 11, 2001 attacks as examples of events financed and organized by the Global Elite. I won't tell you everything about Icke's beliefs, let's just end that post with who he thinks are cold-blooded. Hillary Clinton, Harold Wilson, Tony Blair. I tried to find a complete list of who he think are Reptilian, to know who I should avoid, but couldn't find one. So feel free to add names to the list. ;)

"The meeting is over, retreat to your exits. Agents are coming."


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